"So you say I am too weak to create a fire hot enough to reforge this ring and increase its value? Ha! Give me an elemental source of heat, and I'll show you how far a little persuasion can go." As attributed to a Wizard, who set out to improve a family heirloom. Indeed, the ring was found much later - clasped by a charred set of finger bones embedded in partially cooled magma.
Using an existing fire of exceptional power a caster is able to reforge some items, raising the base protection value. The pure energy of perfect gemstones will be consumed in the process: 1 stone to raise an item from base 10 to 11, and 2 stones for base 11 to 12. All enchants are cleared when an item is reforged, but item flags and level remain the same.
This method of reforging by use of a temporarily enhanced natural heat source is just right to apply to Hero-level items. It will not succeed with armor pieces below level 51 or above level 54, nor with items with base armors above 11 or below 10.
The magical fire of the forge works equally well with any perfect gem type and will consume whichever are first in your inventory.
Prerequisite(s): armor lore.
Syntax: cast 'eulogy'.