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Gargoyle Statistics Tables
Lowmort-Tier Gargoyle Statistics by Class
bzk, bod, pal,
asn, mag, mnd,
psi, sor, wzd
cle, dru, prs
arc, bci, fus,
mon, rog, shf
Str 16–23 (26) 15–20 (23) 15–20 (23) 15–20 (23) 15–20 (23)
Int 09–14 (17) 10–17 (20) 09–14 (17) 09–14 (17) 09–14 (17)
Wis 09–14 (17) 09–14 (17) 10–17 (20) 09–14 (17) 09–14 (17)
Dex 13–18 (21) 13–18 (21) 13–18 (21) 14–21 (24) 13–18 (21)
Con 17–22 (25) 17–22 (25) 17–22 (25) 17–22 (25) 18–25 (28)
Hero-Tier Gargoyle Statistics by Class
bzk, bod, pal,
asn, mag, mnd,
psi, sor, wzd
cle, dru, prs
arc, bci, fus,
mon, rog, shf
Str 23–28 (31) 20–22 (25) 20–22 (25) 20–22 (25) 20–22 (25)
Int 14–16 (19) 17–22 (25) 14–16 (19) 14–16 (19) 14–16 (19)
Wis 14–16 (19) 14–16 (19) 17–22 (25) 14–16 (19) 14–16 (19)
Dex 18–20 (23) 18–20 (23) 18–20 (23) 21–26 (29) 18–20 (23)
Con 22–24 (27) 22–24 (27) 22–24 (27) 22–24 (27) 25–30 (33)
NOTES: numbers in each cell above are initial trained value – maximum trainable value (maximum allowable value for non-devotees); class prime requisites are green.

Gargoyles only recently appeared in the realm, but are well known from ancient legends and fables. The ancient tales vary greatly however, making gargoyles somewhat of an enigma. These nearly mindless slaves are disproportionately strong for their size and are extremely quick. At first glance these hideous looking fellows can often be mistaken for statues and, in fact, they are afforded protection by their stone-like skin. Gargoyles can see well in total darkness often surprising their foes. They have a small pair of leathery wings that would not seem to be able to support them, but surprisingly enough they can fly for short periods of time. The primary weakness these demon-like creatures besides their extreme lack of wit and intellect, is the fact that when in direct sunlight, their skin begins to smoke and char, and they cannot recover from wounds.

  • Abbreviation: Gar.


Gargoyles get a 10% arcane reduction in addition to a 5% general spell reduction. They are reasonable arcane spellcasters and are nofail in arcane spells (though not divine or psionic) after 97%; however, the very low int means poor mana gains (vs. human) and slow mana regen. The only prestige classes available to Gargoyles are Ripper, Stormlord and Vizier.

Despite the high con, they do not get as many hitpoints as a number of races, incl. Giant, Ogre, Troll, Drc, Drg, etc. As an example average gains for a Hero Gargoyle Warrior, with max Constitution and following Werredan, are 11hp/level.

Gargoyles get a nice melee damage modifier and not bad dexterity, are medium size and have a neutral stealth mod. They also get Racial Armorstone, which is the best racial armor for creatable races and is only beaten by 3 remort races (Dragons, Ignaturs and Golems). For these reasons they make pretty good rogues, monks or shadowfists (shf requires questpoints) as well.

They have a negative archery modifier.

At Lord level 25 (or 125 if a remort class) Gargoyles can remort into Golems.