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Revision as of 23:22, 29 November 2005 by DaveGarber1975 (talk | contribs)
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Amusingly, this nervous giant looks as if he would believe whatever answer you gave him. He appears to be very much at home in the woods. His clothing seems to be of elvish style, curiously, and from his weapon, you gather that his name must be Konk. Konk appears to be waiting in this thicket for something--or for someone other than you--and, judging from all of the trampled underbrush about him, he has been doing so for some time now. He looks a bit uncomfortable as his stomach grumbles loudly; he seems to be terribly hungry.

Keywords: Konk, giant, bodyguard, nervous, hungry.
Level: 20.
Alignment: heroic.
Flags: steadfast.
Affects: none.


Konk is using:
<used as light>     <nothing>
<worn on finger>    <nothing>
<worn on finger>    <nothing>
<worn around neck>  <nothing>
<worn around neck>  <nothing>
<worn on body>      <nothing>
<worn on head>      <nothing>
<worn on legs>      <nothing>
<worn on feet>      <nothing>
<worn on hands>     <nothing>
<worn on arms>      <nothing>
<held in offhand>   <nothing>
<worn about body>   <nothing>
<worn about waist>  <nothing>
<worn on wrist>     <nothing>
<worn on wrist>     <nothing>
<wielded>           Konk's Gigantic Clobberin' Stick
<held>              <nothing>
Konk is carrying:



Area: Centaur Hollow (levels 20-20).
Room: A Thicket South of a Trail (portable, safe).

Directions from Sol: w, n, u, s, e, 4u, n.
Directions from Aelmon: 17w, s, 5w, 3n, 3w, n, 4w, n, u, s, e, 4u, n.

Konk is portable.