Ivrin's Scripts
My aim is to provide a complete script set for AVATAR which will eventually cover every aspect of the game. From counters of all sorts, to automation triggers (eg. kill trigger, stab triggers, etc) to bots and everything else we can come up with.
At the moment I am in the process of upgrading my scripts to cmud 3.34 so everyone can enjoy them, and will add them one by one as they come out.
These scripts will mostly be inter-dependant but I will strive to compartmentalize as much as possible for easy of use.
Ok I have finished (I think, mostly) cleaning up a workable set of scripts to share with you all.
Damage counter is far from 100% finished but I could do with a couple of you helping me test it by running it :)
They include damageCounter, statChecker, and a few utility things to make these two work flawlessly like autoKeepAlive, gagCapture and a couple more.
You will find instructions and explanations in the notes fields of individual folders, for any questions contact me on AVATAR of email me at tuataur@gmail.com
This file is too big to print here due to the sheer amount(600+) of characters already included in the statChecker databases, so ill just link to the file.
Download it and import xml in CMUD.