Alias Parameters
You may use variables, or parameters, in your aliases. Basically, what this means is that you can put a placeholder in your aliases which will be replaced with something you type (or nothing if you do not specify a replacement).
To do this, use a %1-5 in your aliases. A good way to think of how it will work is this:
%1 %2 %3 %4 %5
alias <text> <text> <text> <text> <text>
For example: alias greet smile %1:bow %1:say Hello %1! If you typed: greet Friend It would be like your alias said: smile Friend:bow Friend:say Hello Friend!
NOTE: Just because you used a %# in your alias, you do not always have
to enter something to replace it.
Using the above 'greet' example, if you only typed greet, it would act like the alias said: smile :bow :say Hi !
Note that you may not create an alias that calls on another alias.
See also: Alias