Category talk:Mobs In Pyrrus Island

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Revision as of 20:13, 5 December 2008 by Ylem (talk | contribs)
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The comment in this (Boss mob is one GIANT plant.) seems to indicate that there is a giant plant somewhere. But I have not seen it. I've found a large iron key but no door that needs it. Anyone more familiar with this place? I've found the summoner but there was nothing down there but him. Did I miss something? Anyone?

--Ylem 18:23, 5 December 2008 (UTC)

Yeah, you know, I created this area, and It's not exactly one of the best ones out there. It was my first attempt at building, and I misjudged my time, so near the end of the building contest, I was kind of rushed.

It was loosely based upon an old science fiction book called Deathworld, by Harry Harrison, where all of the animals and plants had been affected by a psionically powerful being, that made them all hyper-aggressive.

I got the idea of an outpost, besieged by aggressive animals, plants and insects, down pretty good. In the novel, there is a part where a giant plant actually breaches the wall, allowing tons of animals to enter the outpost, which happens in the north part of my area. My idea was, the plant is so large, that tendrils actually extend into the adjacent rooms.

The idea of the psychic being kind of got rushed at the last minute, and is the summoner underneath the area. As for the key, I can't answer that, because in the contest, we did not create any objects or quests.

Given the opportunity, I would love to go back and rework this area.

--Shalineth 21:25, 5 December 2008 (UTC)

Well I'll put up the map later this weekend of what I have. You can tell me if I missed anything. --Ylem 00:13, 6 December 2008 (UTC)