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Real Name: Byron Scott Webb
Residence: Richmond, VA (USA)
Avatar MUD Information
I started AVATAR on 07/28/2006 with my first alt, Morlicar. As such, I'm still a newbie and probably will be for a while. I tend to solo, which seems slower than teaming up with others to form parties (I have grouped a few times). Even so, I feel I can explore at my slow pace when by myself, which I feel I cannot do when grouped (don't want to bore my allies...)
My Alts:
- Morlicar, human, monk, lowmort
- Malikie, centaur, cleric, lowmort
- Sliss, lizardman, warrior, lowmort
- Edrahel, elf, rouge, lowmort
AvatarWiki Information
No official function. I just edited a page and may edit others as I see missing or incorrect information.
Contact Information
Mailing Address: (confidential) | E-Mailing Address: |
Telephone Number: (confidential) |
final words
I borrowed this format from DaveGarber1975's page. 'Tis a good layout and didn't think that
- he would mind or
- I could do better :-)