Silvermail Leggings

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Inspecting the chain mail closely, you notice that the individual links are actually made of pure silver. Strong magic must have been used to make such a soft metal into such effective armor.

Armor class is 6-8.
Modifies armor class by -10 continuous.
Modifies dexterity by 1 continuous.

Keyword(s): leggings, silvermail, mail, silver.
Level(s): 32-34.
Type: armor.
Slot(s): <worn on legs>.
Quality: 100 hps.
Weight: 9 lbs.
Flag(s): anti-evil, magic.



Area: The Crescent Bog (Map).
Mob(s): a Captain of the Silver Brigade, a Knight of the Silver Brigade, a Lizard Man Brigadier.

See individual mob pages linked above for more information.