Brgyjts The Grocer

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She is obviously tired of all the people trying to talk her prices down, but you can see her brighten up and become more animated when a regular customer walks up.

Keywords: Brgyjts.
Level: 70.
Alignment: demonic.
Flags: steadfast.
Affects: infravision.


Brgyjts the Grocer is using:
Brgyjts the Grocer is carrying:
     roots from a reed plant
     a large taro
     some broad leaves
     a clump of nightbane


Brgyjt carries food-type objects that may be sold to Midgaard's grocer.


Area: Igecsoz (Map).
Room(s): Trog Market, Vegetable Stand (portable).

Walking route from Aelmon: 17s, e, n, d, n, 2e, 6n, w.

Brgyjts the Grocer is portable.