Great Spear, "Fate"
Revision as of 02:01, 20 January 2007 by DaveGarber1975 (talk | contribs)
An enormous, pitch black spear is here. It seems to be laughing at you.
Damage is 12 to 38 (average 25). 'sneak ' continuous. Modifies hit roll by -2 continuous. Modifies armor class by -5 continuous. Modifies damage roll by 5 continuous.
Keyword(s): great spear "fate" fate
Type: weapon
Flag(s): evil nodrop anti-good anti-neutral noremove
Slot(s): <worn on wielded>
Weight: 20 lbs
Level(s): 34
Quality: 50 hps
Area: Lloth's Peak (Map)
Mob(s): Drider Queen (portable)
See Drider Queen.