Glyph Of Tao

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Revision as of 21:55, 26 March 2006 by DaveGarber1975 (talk | contribs) (Glyph of Tao moved to Glyph Of Tao)
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Object 'glyph tao' type treasure, extra flags glow hum magic anti-evil anti-neutral good.
Weight 5, value 1430, level 51.
Object Quality (20 / 20 hps)
 Modifies damage roll by 10 continuous

There are two of this item, one with modifies hr -10, and a useful one which modifies dr+10. Nice item for lowheroes before they can make a decent Shard Of Black Doom Marble or Orb Of Amorphous Essence

Teleport stone gargoyle and go sswwue to get to the Lair of Shyu'Yao area.

From here go esu to enter a maze.

To get through the mase go nuene and get key from ground. The knight in this room carries the glyph of tao with -10hr mod.

wdw takes you back to the room before maze. unlock d and go dds unlock e and go east and kill the lich. Loot corpse for keys (claw and red key), and a poison item.

go wnuuee and unlock and open e and e. Unlock heart, and get key heart unlock down

Go down and kill The Chi of Zhang Kai for Glyp.

There are probably some aggie mobs along the route, sneak/movehidden seems to make them leave you alone except for lich which you have to kill anyways. Also if there are ghosts in the room with the Chi they can assist.