Difference between revisions of "Category:Manifest Gear"

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(Added Bracelet of Sanctimoose)
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| 0
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| 5/5 hr/dr. Better than [[Fingerbone Of Kra]] by 1hr/2dr. Fingerbone does have -15 saves and -15 ac. Better than [[Medallion Of Justice]] by 3hr/2dr
| 5/5 hr/dr. Better than [[Fingerbone Of Kra]] by 1hr/2dr. Fingerbone does have -15 saves and -15 ac. Better than [[Medallion Of Justice]] by 3hr/2dr
| [[Bracelet of Sanctimoose]]
| An armor piece with keyword bracelet.
| 0
| 1
| 0
| 2
| 1
| Is a lowmort item. Good AC and archer gear. Provides [[Endurance]] spell.
| [[Darii's Protection]]
| [[Darii's Protection]]

Latest revision as of 21:36, 22 November 2024


Certain objects may be embedded with a specific "recipe" of perfect gemstones and then magically transformed (using a "manifest" spell) into other objects. Such "manifest gear" is categorized below.

See also Manifest and Lord Manifest Gear.

Manifest Gear

Item Base Item Amethyst Diamond Emerald Ruby Sapphire Notes
Akeris' Symbol of Strength An item with a keyword amulet. 0 2 1 1 0 5/5 hr/dr. Better than Fingerbone Of Kra by 1hr/2dr. Fingerbone does have -15 saves and -15 ac. Better than Medallion Of Justice by 3hr/2dr
Bracelet of Sanctimoose An armor piece with keyword bracelet. 0 1 0 2 1 Is a lowmort item. Good AC and archer gear. Provides Endurance spell.
Darii's Protection Hero level Cloak 0 1 2 1 0 Protection evil continuous and -80 ac (-5 ac better than Embroidered Breastplate and Carburized Steel Plate Armor). Breastplate is 25lbs lighter though.
Dizzy's Black Leather Skirt Hero level skirt 2 0 2 0 1 5hr/3dr, -5 ac and +2 dex. Flaming Pants are -10 ac and 1hr/3dr.
Domovoi's Sleeves Of Knowledge An item with the name sleeves 1 1 0 1 1 Upgradeable item through quests. The spellpower version is nice even for lord casters.
Lurch's Adder A dagger. 1 2 1 1 0 Lowmort item. There is a quest to upgrade to a hero-level concealable piercer.
Mega's Spark In A Bottle Any lantern. 0 1 2 1 0 Same ac as Orb Of The Shogun. Orb has -10 saves. Mega's spark has no saves but has detects plus 2 hr/dr. For +stat ac light, view Luminescent Stalk
Mendek's Iron Leggings An item with a keyword leggings. 2 0 0 1 1 -45 ac. -5 ac better than Heroic Dragonscale Skirt. Comes dark and Anti-Good.
Mistyblue's Boots Of Farstriding A pair of boots. 0 0 1 1 0 Lowmort item
Rackhir's Red Sash of Archery A hero level sash. 1 1 0 0 3 Comes dark and Anti-Good.
Standard Of BEH An item with a keyword banner, that also needs to have armor class, thus technically fall into the category of Armor. 1 1 1 2 0 -22 ac. -12 ac better than LeMans Family Seal