Difference between revisions of "Jumara"

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Revision as of 17:53, 28 January 2007

desc goes here

Keywords: jumara, demon
Level: ?
Alignment: demonic.
Flags: ?
Affects: ?


Jumara is using:
<worn on body>     (Glowing) (Humming) jumara scale armor
<wielded>          (some nasty throwing weapon, can't be looted, "pebble" I think)


This mob has an annoying throwing weapon. It hits the whole group and returns to the mobs hand. Can't be looted (inventory flag).


Area: Tssasskkas's Lair (Map).
Room(s): Various (mob wanders)

This mob only appears in the final portion of Tssasskkas's Lair. See Tssasskkas for more information on how to get that far.