Difference between revisions of "Map Of Devil's Peak"

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Revision as of 18:08, 19 January 2007

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                  - Ye Olde Map Key -

               1) The Base of Devil's Peak
               2) The lair of Shyu'Yao
               3) Obelische Caverns
               4) The lair of Typhus
               5) Tssasskkas's Lair
               6) The Summoning

Keyword(s): map, devil's, peak.
Level(s): 0.
Type: scroll.
Slot(s): none.
Quality: 1 hps.
Weight: 2 lbs.
Flag(s): none.



Area: Midgaard (Map).
Mob(s): Chuckie.

Chuckie sells these. See his page for more information.