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As the captain of the shinriith detachment of this expedition, this member of the Riithi warrior caste takes his job seriously. Having led raids against the duergar, svirfneblin, and other underground races, he is well experienced in the type of combat one finds in the tight confines of an underground passage. Clad in the same type of armor as the rest of the shinriith here, his helmet is the only item that makes him stand out. The long white unicorn tail mounted to the peak of his helmet shines like a beacon in the darkness. Having seen that you were able to get past the rest of the guards, he snarls, brandishes his paired warclaws, and attacks!

Keywords: shinriith, riithi, captain.
Level: 46.
Alignment: apathetic.
Flags: steadfast, very agggressive.
Affects: detect hidden, detect invis, infravision, Sanctuary.


A shinriith captain is using:
<worn on finger>    (Humming) a Riithi Captain's ring
<worn on body>      a Riithi granitecloth cuirass
<worn on head>      a Riithi Captain's helmet
<worn on legs>      riithi breeches
<worn on feet>      a pair of Riithi granitecloth boots
<held in offhand>   (Humming) a Riithi warclaw
<wielded>           (Humming) a Riithi warclaw
A shinriith captain is carrying:


The shinriith are especially strong, due to all the armor and weapons they are wearing.

The shinriith captain is especially problematic, because he is in a room with three other highly armored, powerful mobs. If you are hero level, consider going Invis (they can't see due to the level difference), and Charm Person/Domination the mob you want to kill. Then either pull them into the adjacent room, or order them to kill themselves by telling them to toss or trip themselves. If the mob fails toss/trip, the mob will begin killing itself.


Area: The Drow Armory (Map).

Area: The Drow Armory (Map).
Room(s): Surveyor's Base (cursed)

Walking directions from Aelmon: 14n, 8w, n, e, 4d, s, d, w, 2d, e, d, e, d, w, d, 2s, d, 2e, n, e, u, e, s, 3e, s, e, 3n, 3e, u, e, n, 3e, n, d, e, d, [d], s, e, 2s, [e], [s], d, 2w, d, 2w, d, w.