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Revision as of 05:13, 15 March 2006

As you look at this centaur, he canters up to you and gives you a hearty hello. "I'm so sorry that you missed it! Our Khoridvar friend over there challenged both me and a centaur archer from Wildwood to join her in an impromptu archery contest and... guess what?! I WON! I WON, I WON, I WON!!! Look out, darklin, here I come! Yeeeeeee-haw!!!" And, having said that, he starts to romp about exuberantly some more, holding his hands up high and kicking his rear hooves up into the air with joy. You almost can't help but laugh at his silly antics. He seems to be well aware of how silly he must seem right now to you but feels too merry to care about it one bit.

Keywords: centaur, assassin.
Level: 20.
Alignment: heroic.
Flags: none.
Affects: alertness, infravision.


A centaur assassin is using:
<worn on body>      a simple dyed sylvan tunic
<worn on feet>      a fine set of hipposandals
<wielded>           a simple hunter's longbow
A centaur assassin is carrying:



Area: Centaur Hollow (Map).

A centaur archer wanders about a Bell-Shaped Grotto.