Lightspeed Handwraps

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A simple cloth bandage vibrates violently, unable to stay still

Object 'lightspeed hand wraps handwraps' type armor, extra flags glow magic noremove good nolocate major-ward.
Weight 0, value 9300, level 124.
Object Quality (600 / 600 hps)
Armor class is 26.
 Modifies melee attacks with sonic damage continuous
 Modifies armor class by  -25 continuous
 Modifies hit roll by  8 continuous
 Modifies damage roll by  6 continuous
 Modifies movement regeneration by + 1% continuous
 Modifies melee attacks with sonic damage continuous

On wear:

 Faster than the speed of sound, your fists become living weapons that
 even Gorn himself would be proud of.
 Your dominant hand takes on a sonic aura.
 Your non-dominant hand takes on a sonic aura.

It improves archery damage.
It improves archery accuracy.
It improves chances of archery critical hits.
It facilitates the archery skill scattershot.

Slot: Hands
Flags: glow magic good nolocate major-ward noremove
Weight: 0
Plane: varies
Area: Shard Unlocks
Mob: Daennelai

This gear is on Daennelai, one of the "realm guardian" mobs who spawn in the shard-unlock rooms.